Thursday, 24 January 2008

My new cats

this is thunder one of our new cats. He is so cute.We got him one new years day. He is Carl's cat


Moturoa said...

I haven't heard from you for a while.

It is great to see you blogging again after Christmas.

It won't be long now until school starts again.

Thunder looks very much at home in your house.

How many cats do you have in your house now?

Did you see that Oscar's swan plant has all gone and one of his butterflies has hatched.

How is your swan plant getting on. Mine have had no caterpillars yet!

Miss K

Anonymous said...

Hey Nicole!
I am an 8th grader from Connecticut. You're cat looks so cute! I have two cats named Sassy and Mike. You have a really nice blog, it was fun to look at! You also have a pretty name, my best friend's name is Nicole. It is good that you are blogging at such a young age, you should keep doing it. My class has a blog and I have my own individual blog. If you want to see my blog you can go to Keep on blogging, I look forward to seeing more posts of yours!

Moturoa said...

Hey Nicole

Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog.

Happy birthday for you for last Wednesday. Imagine being a 10 year old now! Did you have a big party?
I bet you did something pretty flash for a tenth birthday.

I had a great time in Sydney with Mini-Dylan. We went up to Tauranga yesterday to give a presentation on all the cool things we do in our class like writing on our blog and talking on our podcast.

All the teachers are very impressed with the things that we did.

Keep on blogging.

Miss K